Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mona Vie & Chron's Disease

This is an amazing story we came across, among our Mona Vie distributors, and thought you should read:

My daughter introduced me to MonaVie. Being in sales for the past twenty five years, I told her that I'd try it for her (can't tell your daughter no! ) I tried it thinking full well that it was probably just another sales scam having been jaded by being around sales and salespeople most of my adult life. I thought MonaVie had a better spin than most.

So, I drank the MonaVie like I was told. After the third day, I noticed that I was sleeping through the night, which is not a big deal to most. However, I have Ankylosing Spondylitis in my back so my sleep pattern was about two to three hours then I had to get up. That alone pleased me.

Over the next several days I continued using MonaVie taking two ounces, twice daily. I also have severe Crohn's. I had near constant bowel problems and leakage was always a problem. Firm was a foreign word. No more since taking MonaVie. Goodbye Depends!

Crohn's has several complications among them is stomach pain, bowel dysfunction etc. But, perhaps, the most serious is Iritis which is pressure in the eye(s) causing a blood redness that is painful and severely affects vision and ultimately could lead to blindness. I had infrequent episodes of Iritis that were becoming more frequent. Very scary...and now very gone since I started taking MonaVie. Not a single episode. Praise God for creating the natural products that are put into MonaVie!

My Crohn's is so severe that my specialist put me on Remicade infusion treatments every six weeks that I will have to take presumably for the rest of my life. Not to mention, the multitude of pills than I had to consume everyday (20-30) including Prednisone-Adrenocortical Steroids, Asacol-Mesalamine(ulcerative colitis), 6-MP or 6-Mercaptopurine(cancer), Prevacid-Lansoprazole(acid reflux), Folvite-Folic Acid. All this to slow Crohn's down because there is no cure. Buying time, and very expensive. Plus, I was restricted on what I could eat and because of the medications I was putting on weight which caused a moon face and padded shoulders. All this was very annoying and a MAJOR CHORE.....

Guess what...NO MORE!! I now eat whatever I want and I've lost twelve pounds. And, here's a biggie...NO MORE PILLS and that's with the specialist's approval. I still have to take Remicade infusions but another guess what?? The specialist has agreed to space my infusion treatments further out from six weeks to seven or eight weeks and evaluate from there. Good News!

I started out as a skeptic and now find myself in much better health and free from pain. Who would have thought that a bottle of fruit could have such a dynamic impact. MonaVie means life and that's exactly what it has done for me. It has given me back my life.

And I'm not the Lone Ranger. We have over 20 local testimonials available where MonaVie has helped with ADD, Fibromyalgia, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Energy, Sleep Issues, Joint Pain, IBS, Osteoarthritis, MS, Neck/Back pain, and more.... Simply see the list below and contact me for the current testimonies.

My testimony is absolutely true and can be authenticated.

Inflammation is linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, acid reflux, fibromyalgia etc., not to mention sleep issues, migraine headaches and so on. MonaVie fights inflammation and is a highly powerful free radical fighting fruit drink that contains high-ORAC Antioxidants found in fresh fruit from all over the world and is ALL NATURAL! Acai is the first ingredient. All fruits are organic or wild. No water, no caffeine, sugar, citrus etc....and no banned substances. It is the ONLY product with glucosamine and celadrin(adults do not produce). The ONLY product with 19 fruits(balance/variety is necessary for overall health) that gives you the full benefit because it is absorbed into the body whereas with pills you only receive ~20%. Other acai products average 155 ORAC per gram. MonaVie's Acai (OptiAcai) is 1,027 ORAC per gram from their exclusive patent pending method. MonaVie's OptiAcai is the most requested for medical studies of fruit juices with acai.

Would you not give yourself or a loved one the opportunity for very possible relief or recovery from any of the above mentioned and more afflictions?


Miss D said...

Which monavie do you drink for Crohns?

Miss D said...

Which monavie did u use for Crohns?