Check out some of these amazing testimonials we found online:
I am a 56 year old former nurse who has suffered from serious chronic low back pain and sciatica since I was 29. When I was introduced to MonaVie I was on Morphine injections ( 30 mgs 5 a day) and oxycontin 40 mgs (3 a day). I noticed within a week that my pain level had reduced by 80% and I was using hardly any Morphine and had reduced the oxycontin to only 1 a day. I felt much better in myself and the depression was lifting, I was also sleeping like a baby.
I was only getting one bottle at a time and after the 3rd bottle I ran out and found myself without any MonaVie. My pain level was within 2 days back to normal that is about an 8 on the scale of ten. I was climbing the walls.
I rang Michael and and he sent me 2 bottles of MonaVie straight away by express courier. I took 60 mls and laid down and within the space of 2 hours my pain had reduced by 80% . I took another 60mls and within the hour I was pain free. Needless to say I now have ensured a constant supply.
Also a thank you to Marilyn for giving me the first bottle of MonaVie. Your gift and MonaVie have indeed changed my live.
Susan Allen Melbourne - Australia
Arthritis seems to run in my family, and I began having stiffness and pain in my joints when I was in my late 30's. I'm 61 now, and for the past few years the pain has been constant and worsening in my low back and hips. My stomach is too sensitive for most prescription drugs, so on the worst days, I usually took Ibuprofen and basically learned to live with hurting all the time. The back pain wakened me repeatedly at night and made it very hard to get moving in the mornings. My son persuaded me to try the 'Acai Active Blend' juice, even though I didn't believe for a moment it could possibly help. Following directions, I drank 1 oz. twice a day, and to my amazement, the low back pain was simply GONE after just 5 days. By the time I'd finished one bottle, the hip pain was gone as well. I'm now a customer for LIFE ! Aside from the joy of not being in constant pain, I find a have a great deal more energy and a wonderful feeling of well being. I stay awake and alert much longer than before, and I find myself doing many things I simply couldn't have done previously. And I'm sleeping far better than I have in years.
Janet Karshner - California
I'm forty-seven years old and "Mr. Mom" for seventeen years. I was an electrician before that. I've had a bad knee for over ten years and I didn't think I'd be able to work as an electrician again. A job came up ten miles from my house and I decided to give it a try. I got my Acai Active Blend’ two days after I started the new job and needless to say I was sore and hurting by then. The second day I got out of bed was the first day I got the juice. I have a fast metabolism and I thought the product would begin to work quickly. I didn't expect the energy level, and I didn't expect my knee to quit hurting; but that morning I had taken two ounces and in LESS than two hours my knee had eased off, the muscle I'd pulled in my back the previous night was easing off, and I was shocked. Over the next day or two, I realized that the muscles on my right side, which are always very tight from my low back to the top of my neck, had relaxed. And that's why I was feeling so good. I told my friends that either the juice or the job was making me feel this good, and that I didn't think it was the job. This job has been second and third shift and I don't think I would have made it every day without the ‘Acai Active Blend’ juice. Running pipe off a 16-ft ladder and doing all work over your head, you can't imagine what my knee, back and shoulders would have felt like without it. But I've had more energy than I've had in 20 years and my back and shoulders have not hurt me, nor has every step up and down the ladder killed my knee. I'm amazed, which isn't easily done.
Name Withheld
I'm 54 years old, and my work used to require extensive travel and also standing on my feet through very long days. About 6 years ago, I became acutely aware of a worsening numbness in both feet and serious swelling that went half way up the calf of my legs. Seeking a way to curb this worrisome condition, I began a fitness regimen of regular running, hiking, skiing and other physical activity with an especially rigorous athletic event every 90 days. Although this and good support socks controlled the swelling to some extent, it did nothing at all for the numbness. It progressed frighteningly from my toes to the middle of my feet to the instep. I could walk barefoot in the snow and not even feel the cold. It was as though I were carrying two dead wooden paddles in the middle of my feet. Fearing how far this numbness might progress, I was willing to try the 'Acai Active Blend,' but truly did not expect it would be a solution. I drank 2 oz. in the afternoon, 2 more with dinner and 2 the following morning. Within 12 hours, I could feel sensation starting to return to my feet. That was just 3 weeks ago, and I am elated with the results. I can FEEL the texture of my socks again. I can feel a wrinkle in them. I can feel the hurt if I stub my toe or step on a pebble. I can lie in bed and feel the sheets touching my feet instead of feeling as if I didn't HAVE any feet. I am experiencing tremendous relief from the stress of uncertainty about all this. Two oz. of the 'Acai Active Blend,' twice a day is now part of my permanent health regimen. Another significant change has been my habit of perking myself up with coffee. Typically, I was drinking 3-4 pots daily. Now, I'm drinking only 3-4 cups a day. The craving for coffee was substantially diminished almost immediately, perhaps because of having more natural energy and no longer needing the ongoing "pick-up."
Don Thomas - Colorado
After living a very active lifestyle for many years, I found myself suddenly having problems 3 years ago, about when I turned 60. In both feet, I developed something called plantar faciitis. My doctor said it was caused by tears or inflammation in the long, flat ligament that goes from heel to toe. Whatever the cause, it was extremely painful, and then led to bone spurs on both heels. Even with prescription medication with Tylenol in between, it hurt so badly I couldn't even stand at the sink and peel 4 potatoes. There was no relief even in bed--when lying down the pain changed and felt like someone was driving an ice pick into my heels. Along with this I began suffering with what felt like sciatic nerve pain from low back to foot. Then, apparently from raking too many leaves, I ended up with a "frozen" right shoulder, and even with a cortisone shot, still had pain and only limited use of that arm. As if adding insult to injury, the same thing happened to my left shoulder, so I lived in constant pain and hadn't had a good night's sleep in three solid years. Until I began drinking the 'Acai Active Blend' tonic from the Amazon. I took just one ounce, twice daily, and by the end of the SECOND day, the pain was essentially gone. EVERYWHERE. I positively could not believe it. This is now Day 21, and I haven't felt this good in many years!
Lynda King - Texas
I'm a 52-year-old Alaskan woman who's lived with pain ranging from moderate to extremely severe for much of my life, starting with sore joints and migraines even as a youngster. Various injuries through the years have left me with blindingly painful compressed disks in my neck, shoulder blade area and low back. About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back and joints; two years later with bursitis in my hip. My head to toe muscle pain was diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I have spent fortunes on doctors, medical tests and physical therapy. Even more complications set in from the anti-depressants the doctors gave me in an effort to control the deep depression I fell into. The pain was constant, only partially relieved by an assortment of Lidoderm patches, day and night muscle relaxing drugs, shots in my neck and back, Vioxx, Celebrex, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Amerge for the migraines, as well as a decade of trying literally dozens of herbal remedies, juices, etc. My physical activity was very limited. Even doing routine housework or light lifting put me down for two days at a time with awful pain. I even had great difficulty sleeping because of pain. The day I began drinking the‘Acai Active Blend’ some 7 weeks ago, I stopped ALL the pain medications and muscle relaxers. By the third day, I found myself RUNNING up stairs instead of carefully trudging them. Now, I can do ANYTHING I want to do! I can lift my arms above my head. I can bend over and touch the floor. I am sleeping well and feel great when I waken. I can vacuum floors and mop the kitchen without any ill effects. I can even move the furniture around! In the past when I got hungry, my blood sugar levels dropped so low that I turned extremely grouchy. That no longer happens, which is making my husband very happy! I have my LIFE back, and I am enjoying it to the fullest! Thank you, ‘Acai Active Blend!’
Joy McGhan - Alaska
My grandmother is 74 years old, and for the past 10 years has had constant pain in her back, knees, hips and hands from rheumatoid arthritis. For three years now, she has been using a wheel chair because the pain had grown too bad for her to stand or walk. Her fingers are bent, and any hand movement at all caused intense pain. Two months ago, Grandma quit taking all prescription medications because they were making her sick. She was using only Ibuprofen for the pain, and it wasn't helping much. I'm very close to my grandmother and it has broken my heart to see her in such pain and in deep depression, having lost all hope of ever having a life again. She used to be very active, owned her own business, enjoyed gardening and had many loving children and grandchildren. And we felt we'd lost HER as well--she rarely left the house for anything, even family activities. Yesterday, I took a bottle of 'Acai Active Blend' to my grandmother, poured 2 oz. into a glass and begged her to drink it. At first she refused, saying that nothing she had ever tried did any good. I continued pleading, and finally she agreed. Then we just sat together and talked, and no more than ONE hour later, Grandma suddenly began to brighten. She said she didn't understand why, but she was feeling better and the pain seemed to be going away. Then she began moving her hands, experimenting with them. We were both stunned as she began moving her thumbs around in circles--something she had not been able to do in many years. As she moved her hands and fingers more, her entire face lit up. She was in total disbelief that she was actually doing this and HAD NO PAIN. After years of darkness, she suddenly had HOPE again. Had I not sat right there and witnessed this myself, I couldn't have believed it. I went home and cried tears of joy. An entire family now has their mother and grandmother back. When I called her this morning, she said she wanted to order more of the juice, and we began making plans for planting some flowers in her garden-- together. The life she thought was over is now hers again. You can't possibly know how grateful I am for this amazing product.
Cassie Anthony - Utah
After losing a leg to cancer in 1959 when I was 16, some 36 years later, I relearned to ski and raced a couple years with the Winter Park Disabled Ski Team. Then, I began competing “heads-up” in the Rocky Mountain Masters with my two-legged peers. In Season 1999/2000, I won the Overall Combined and the Rocky Cup in Age Class VII , realizing a childhood dream. For more than 45 years I’ve lived with the “phantom pain” often associated with limb loss, which manifested as a pin pricked cramped “foot.” In recent years I developed low back pain so intense that recently I was unable to tie a shoelace. Upon reviewing my X-rays and MRI , the neurosurgeon advised: 1) cortisone injections, 2) cut nerves, or 3) tough it out. With the back pain somewhat abated in January 2005, I skied in Austria and Italy but without the power and endurance of a few years ago. Then I began drinking the ‘Acai Active Blend’ juice from the Amazon, 2 oz. twice a day. After only two weeks, my back pain was barely noticeable! Further, the power is back in my skiing, my thigh is not sore after a long ski day, my knee no longer aches and clicks and my energy level is superior to my BEST years racing. Even more amazing, the “phantom pain” I have lived with for decades has VANISHED! I have changed no other elements of my personal regimen and attribute my markedly better health and quality of life to the ‘Acai Active Blend’ juice.
Forrest - Colorado
About a year ago following an accident, I developed intense, 24-hour arthritic pain in my right index finger and also severe pain in my left hip. I didn’t dare touch the finger, and even ordinary household tasks (like opening a jar) were almost impossible for me. Although I love working in my yard, the hip pain was so severe that even 30 minutes of gardening forced me to lie down in the grass and wait for the misery to subside in order to continue for another half hour of testing my endurance. I began drinking the ‘Acai Active Blend’ and within just a few days began seeing more mobility. Encouraged, I continued drinking one ounce twice daily. Each day the pain diminished further, and movement became easier. It was exactly 6 weeks to the day when I awoke with NO pain at all. None! I could even press on my finger and move it without wincing. Then came the BIG test last weekend as I headed outdoors for some springtime yard work. I was ecstatic to find I was able to work for 6 hours straight without any pain at all in my hip or hand. Thanks to this amazing juice, I no longer feel like I’m approaching the big 60!
Susan Batemen - South Carolina
I'm extremely active--into skydiving, skiing, and other sports, plus have been a work-out and weight-lifting zealot all my life. Then I injured a shoulder, damaging a rotator cuff. Because of the extreme pain, for five months, I was unable to do ANY kind of lifting on an incline bench or bench. I come from an entire family of fitness people, and not being able to work out was leaving a huge hole in my life. Then I began drinking the 'Acai Active Blend' juice, and within only TWO weeks, I was back to lifting full force, as if nothing had ever happened to my shoulder. I am totally amazed. Years ago, I used to race Motocross, and now that I'm feeling so good, I've decided to go back into it again. In fact, just recently I landed very hard on my heels trying my first 75-foot triple jump and was afraid I'd shattered both ankles. They swelled up, but not nearly to the extent they have in the past with much lesser sprains. I'm convinced the 'Acai Active Blend' is what kept down the inflammation and helped speed up the recovery.
Michael Moore - Colorado
I worked for John Hancock Life Insurance for 30 years, the last 16 as Puerto Rico 's general manager. Golfing and singing were the things I most enjoyed in life. In 1991 (14 years ago), I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and slowly the pain and tremors worsened and greatly curtailed my golfing. A wide range of other effects of the disease and/or side effects of the medications made me somewhat depressed, and I just didn't feel like singing anymore. I had severe pain in my back and joints (often resorting to Percoset), and I was scheduled for surgery to treat fragmented discs in my back. I also couldn't sleep without melatonin, and I had to take Citrucel daily to keep my intestinal tract working. Then a close friend introduced me to the 'Acai Active Blend,' and I felt almost immediate relief in my joints and back. It is now 9 weeks later, and I am essentially free of pain. The tremors are much reduced. I also no longer need to take the melatonin to sleep, and I no longer need the Citrucel. My energy level is much improved. Even more exciting, I am playing golf as often as I wish, and I am SINGING again--because I FEEL like singing! I saw my doctor yesterday, and he was puzzled at the reversal or reduction of many of my symptoms. He then reduced by 1/3 the three Parkinson's-control medications I've been taking--Stalevo, Sinemet and Mirapex. Several of my friends who have begun drinking the 'Acai Active Blend' have also experienced remarkable results within a short period of time.
This is truly an amazing tonic!
Miguel Rodriguez - Puerto Rico
I was diagnosed two years ago as having a neurological disorder called myasthenia gravis (same condition Aristotle Onassis had). It greatly affected my ability to walk or stand without falling as well as hold onto things without dropping them. Much of the time I suffered with double vision, my eyes were drooping, and I had to quit my corporate job--I just didn't have the energy to do my work, and medical care demanded a lot of time. Even going to the mall became a huge chore to me. I tried traditional care as well as alternative remedies, yet the condition held its grip on me. Stress exacerbated the symptoms. The Immunoglobin treatments I took at a cost of $3500 per bottle (a full treatment was nine bottles at a cost of $31,500) were supposed to help my energy, but helped little. For a period of time I had to get around in a wheel chair, then worked my way into using a 4-prong cane, then a single cane, and finally began walking. Six months ago, I underwent major surgery (chest cracked open) to have my thymus gland removed, which doctors said would "fix everything" and bring back my energy. I kept waiting for the energy to come, but it didn't. Then 3 months ago, I began drinking the 'Acai Active Blend,' one ounce, twice a day, and within 3 days, I felt a miracle had happened. I began exercising every morning, almost expecting my muscles to give out--but they didn't! A few days later, I joined the gym! I felt like I could go dancing! Suddenly the limitations on my life were GONE! No more double vision. No more drooping eyelids. No more stumbling, falling or dropping things. I have full use of the arm that was most affected. I look and feel great. I can even RUN again! Last month, I took my nieces to a concert, and we climbed all the way to the very TOP row to reach our seats. I could hardly believe I wasn't even tired when we got there. I am SO grateful for this juice. My life has been renewed!!
Dawn Warner - Georgia
My sister-in-law has been a nurse for 40 years in NY, never believes in anything other than drugs, works at the ICU in Brookdale Hospital , Brooklyn NYC. I sent her 2 bottles of the ‘Acai Active Blend’ for her birthday--against the will of my wife (who said she would never take it). She did not try the juice for about a week, so I begged her to begin drinking it, and after a few days she called me and RAVED about her energy level. About 10 days into the regimen, she called and ordered 24 bottles for her fellow nurses, friends and son. This blew my mind. Someone whom I never expected to show any interest is now my biggest promoter.
Leslie - Florida
I am 27 years old, and my work includes having been a Bounty Hunter in Colorado for about 8 years. About 4 years ago, I noticed I was losing the feeling in my feet. Walking became increasingly difficult because the numbness was making it hard to balance myself. The doctor told me I had Type II diabetes and had probably had it for 5-6 years. I started drinking 'Acai Active Blend' on January 8th, 2005 , and by March I had gained back almost all the feeling in my feet. Walking is natural and easy again, and my knees don't crack the way they used to. I'm drinking a total of around 3 ounces a day. I'm also giving my 5-year-old daughter two ounces a day of the 'Acai Original Blend'. After about 6-8 weeks, I began noticing that she was much more calm and relaxed. She seemed to have a new sense of well being and serenity about her and was thinking things through before just acting on them as she'd done in the past. Even her teacher at school has commented and says Laree is now getting her work done on time, has much better concentration and is less aggressive on the playground. This product has made a dramatic difference in our lives, and I'll greatly appreciate it forever.
Shaun Lawrence - Colorado
Twenty years ago, I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis, and this past year my mobility became very limited. The pain had become so severe that some days I could not lift a stapler, my handbag or even a glass of water. I had to quit a job that required standing up. By the time I left the building after work, I would collapse in my car in tears because of excruciating hip pain. My doctor then ordered NO work for me requiring anything except sitting. Even then, after as little as 15 minutes, I could barely lift myself from a chair, and the hip pain made walking extremely difficult as well as embarrassing. I felt as though I were living in a dark cave and lost hope. The ‘Acai Active Blend’ is the first product EVER that has totally amazed me--and I have tried almost everything. Before I had finished the first bottle, my pain was totally gone in those joints that had been so bad. My spirits are tremendously lifted, and I feel I can finally live a normal lifestyle. Having this juice is now as important to me as having water to drink! I am not kidding. I thank everyone who has played a part in developing this product for me and the many people in the world who will benefit. God Bless You All from the bottom of my heart!
Patricia Atcheson - Virginia
I was the "walking wounded" before the 'Acai Active Blend' came along. My left knee has been bone on bone with almost all the cartilage gone since the mid '80's following surgery for a softball injury. Then two years ago, I injured my right knee by stepping in a hole and badly tearing the meniscus. This meant more surgery, and I ended up partially bone on bone in that knee also. My walking was more of a duck waddle, and my physical activity has been severely limited. The doctor said I was a candidate for having both knees replaced. I also had a bad shoulder, probably arthritis or other damage, and could lift my arm only about as high as my ear. Even with the antiinflammatory and prescription pain drugs, I often had to take up to 2,000 mg. a day of Tylenol, just to be able to live with the pain. I could barely function and was getting progressively worse. I couldn't walk more than 5-10 minutes at a time. When I came home from work, I'd collapse in my chair and have to rest for an hour or so before even moving. I felt exhausted most of the time. I could actually feel a difference after just one day of drinking the 'Acai Active Blend' juice-one ounce, twice a day is my regimen. Within two weeks, I was essentially pain-free and off ALL medications for the first time in 20 years. And I'd gotten back a full range of motion in my shoulder--with no pain at all It's been just 3 weeks since starting on the juice, and last weekend I spent more than 4 hours working in the yard and then spent the afternoon with my grandchildren at a historical re-enactment. And no more duck waddle! I have a whole lot more energy, and my mental alertness is much better.
Charlie King -Texas
I am 45 years old, and when I was in my 30's I suffered a shoulder injury that developed into what doctors called, "Frozen Shoulder." My range of motion was extremely limited, and the pain was at times unbearable. I had never heard of Frozen Shoulder so did a Google search. What I learned was not encouraging. Add this to my already severely arthritic knees from years of extreme sports, and I resigned myself to living life with constant pain. Then I began drinking an all natural ‘Acai Active Blend’ tonic from the Amazon, and the results have been absolutely amazing. In less than two weeks, I gained complete range of motion in my shoulder, and I have virtually NO pain of any kind, including in my knees. My energy level has skyrocketed, and I’m feeling again like I did when I was in my early 30's.
Darrell Ulterback - California
Whoa, am I excited! I’m a grandmother, rather dismayed in recent years that the backs of my hands had developed a lot of freckles--I hate calling them “age/liver spots!” My other “aging” issue has been knuckles growing slightly larger (no pain!) and favorite rings no longer able to slip on. Because I’ve always had high energy and good health, I didn’t expect to experience any dramatic health changes when I began drinking the 'Acai Active Blend' from the Amazon about 3 months ago, typically just 1 oz, twice a day. It was nice to see my hair and nails growing much faster, but not until this morning did I notice that the dreaded freckles are essentially GONE! Spurred on, I raced to my jewelry box--the rings FIT AGAIN! Visually, my fingers were appearing more slim, but now I have proof positive! These are very welcome fringe benefits! Goodness only knows what other good things are happening inside my body!
Mary Smith - South Dakota
I am 63 years young and about 5 years ago, started taking nutritional supplements. I had exercised regularly for three decades to stay in shape. For many years I ran, then in more recent years scaled down to power walking four or five miles daily. To help with arthritis and back pain and with my #4 and #5 discs bulging, I began taking 3000 mg. daily of pure glucosamine capsules with my morning shake. All this helped, but the pain persisted, and I was forced to restrict my physical activity, even my walking ... until I began adding the ‘Acai Active Blend’ to my regimen, 2 oz, twice a day. Within 7 days, the nagging pain that had been increasing for many years was reduced by 95%. It is obvious to me (coming from an entire family of doctors and having worked as a medical assistant for 19 years) that the Celedrin and glucosamine in liquid form are better absorbed by my body. Just last week I went away for a few days and missed drinking 3 doses of the juice ... and I could feel a little pain starting to come back. No way will I ever give up my Amazon tonic! I’m now scaling UP my physical activity again and no longer have any problems doing housework or bending over the dishwasher. I’m feeling GREAT again!
Barb Cox - Arizona
At age 65, I'm still very active, but for a number of years have had very painful joints--my knees and especially my hands and fingers. I work in an auto dealership, and countless times while writing up a contract, my fingers would literally lock up and force me to stop doing the paperwork. Customers had to simply wait until I massaged my hands for 15-20 minutes and finally could continue. Each time this happened, the pain was intense, and my fingers locked in a crooked position, like you might see with severe rheumatoid arthritis. From the VERY FIRST DAY that I began drinking the ‘Acai Active Blend’, I have not had a single problem with my hands or my knees, and since that first day, I have been totally PAIN FREE . I cannot begin to tell you what a difference this juice from the Amazon has made in my life. It's a miracle product to be sure. I even went out and played 18 holes of golf a couple of weeks ago and walked the entire game. Before, I had to ride a cart part of the way because the pain in my knees was so bad. I’m drinking 2 oz., twice a day. That's double the suggested amount, but it tastes great, and I don't want to take any chances!
Al Shur - Colorado
"The hottest WELLNESS breakthrough in decades--ONE blockbuster product that can give you the documented advantage of good health. The next big PhytoBlend health drink is here! MonaVie finally puts the energizing Açai (ah-sigh-ee) super fruit in a bottle. Açai is a purple berry that grows on a palm tree in the Amazon flood plains in Brazil….it’s one of the ultimate natural energizing, antioxidant-rich healthy fruits on the planet….being dubbed straight up as the Amazon Superfruit. MonaVie is being heralded as one of the most potent health drinks ever created! In all my years of marketing health products I have never seen a product that works with such a wide range of health conditions. You owe it to yourself to try this product."
Mark Jones - USA
13 Days on MonaVie Lowered Cholesterol !
"My Mother struggle with high cholesterol and is on medication. She came over to my home two weeks ago and got some MonaVie from me. She visited her doctor yesterday and was amazed to know that her cholesterol level had dropped from 295 to 233 in just 13 days."
Brenda Jones - USA
"The acai berry [Monavie] is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world...natures perfect energy fruit"
Dr. Nicholas Perricone as seen on Oprah
"My body Feels Good. An Amazing Product made strictly from nature.
I can't believe this juice! I drank Monavie with the acai fruit on Friday morning and I felt better the next day.
Monavie is natural, my head is clear, I'm alert and my body feels good! Finally an amazing product made strictly from nature, back by science, with life changing results that work! I will definitely be ordering some more. Thank you, Thank you ... THANK YOU!"
In addition to the increased energy, soundness of sleep and the improvement with mental clarity and focus, it was amazing to me to see something I would not know was happening, if it had not been for my dry cuticles. A couple of years ago, I was at a highly respected health and healing facility and I asked them about my continuous dry, cracked cuticles. I was told that it was a sign of a sluggish liver. There is no way that I would know that my liver was actually functioning better except that within three days, I noticed the difference in my hands and the smoothness of my cuticles.
Linday, USA
I started to drink [the Acai blend] because it was a gift from my son Lawrence. To my surprise, I have had some really amazing results. Over the last few years, I have not been able to have a good night’s sleep but from the first night of taking [the Acai blend], I have been able to sleep through the night every night.
I was especially surprised when on the 5th day of taking it, I was able to wake up without feeling giddy. I have low blood pressure and though I have seen many doctors and Chinese sensei, I used to wake up EVERY morning giddy. Now I wake up fine and I feel that I am getting back my normal health.
Lawrence told me that it helps with joint pains, so I was looking forward to relief from my knee pains. My knees ached more than usual during the first 2 days of taking it, but on the third day all the pain disappeared. I feel really good because I could run my errands for Chinese New Year. I climbed the stairs up to our 3rd floor apartment at least 10 times on Chinese New Year Eve and there was no pain. Usually I can’t even climb one flight of stairs without my knees hurting a lot.
Thank you for giving me back my freedom and ability to be independent.
Ling Sey - USA
Due to my days as a commando (before I emigrated to Canada), I have been experiencing bad knee pains for years. Although climbing stairs gave me only minor aches, I had to take special effort to angle my foot and knee carefully EVERY time a walk down a flight of stairs.
To my surprise, after taking [the Acai blend], I was able to climb, and more importantly, walk down stairs without any special effort or appreciable discomfort. Much to the amusement of my friends and more importantly myself, I have been demonstrating free squats which I have not been able to do for years.
Thank you for giving me back something I never knew I missed so much, the freedom to enjoy the simple things in life like walking down a flight of stairs.
Gerald - CANADA
I have been experiencing pain in my knees for several years and I have been diagnosed as having jumpers’ knee (knee condition that many basketball players and high jumpers suffer from).
After taking [the Acai blend] for 5 days, the pain was alleviated tremendously. And now, even after my soccer and basketball games, I can barely feel the pain in my knees at all!.
Michael Park - USA
Yesterday, I went running, and had fallen and sprained my ankle.
Today, I went to the Hospital, waited five hours for an X-Ray, and was sent home with a splint, crutches, some heavy duty painkillers and a world of pain. I'm the kind of person who prefers to keep everything going into my body natural; the painkillers weren't for me.
But, the pain was excruciating. Maybe I had no choice but to take the painkillers. But, sitting in my fridge, was a tall, chilled bottle of the Acai blend. Eager to end the pain, I poured two ounces and threw it back, at which point I found my way to the couch. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes. Fifteen. I had to go to the washroom. Instinctively, without giving a second thought to my ankle, I stood up. A slight pain shot up my left leg. A SLIGHT pain. I was shocked. This morning, I figured my ankle was broken! Biting my lip, I gently reached forward with my injured foot and placed it down one more time. Minimal pain. I was impressed!
Definately a product for those of us who end up hurting ourselves more often than we'd like to. It's still safer that I don't walk on it, but it's definately a start for those of us who need to deal with the pain..
Karey Mills - USA
Thursday, July 3, 2008
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